2024-2025 Order Form
Please enclose the appropriate payment and make the check payable to "APSL". Print or type all information.
List all names of initiates on a separate sheet. All certificates are sent Priority Mail.
NATIONAL LATIN HONOR SOCIETY Elizabeth Bradford, Director 5821 Williamsburg Way Durham, NC 27713
Ceremony Date: Sponsor:
Sponsor Signature: Email:
Charter Number: Date issued:
City: State: Zip Code:
Home Phone: School Phone: Ext:
Each inductee must maintain an average of 90% or higher in three consecutive quarters of Latin.
School Charter Certificate: $15.00 each (lifetime membership) Testamur Certificates: School Charter ($4.50 each); No School Charter ($5.00 each) 3/4" APSL Pin: School Charter ($4.50 each); No School Charter ($5.00 each)
Honor Cords: School Charter ($4.50 each); No School Charter ($5.00 each)
501 Tidbits of Roman Antiquity: $10.00 each Latin Alive Playlets: $5.00 each
Circle the number for the collection of playlets you wish to order:
1. Aeger Marcus et Piratae (Sick Marcus and The Pirates); Gladius Damoclis (The Sword of Damocles); Nigrum Fit Album (Black becomes White); Prodigium (The Omen) 2. Felix Postumius (Lucky Postumius); Larva (The Ghost); Parva Vestalis (The Little Vestal Virgin); Piratae (The Pirates) 3. Astrum (The Star); Cloelia Natat (Cloelia Swims); Fabae (Beans); Magicae Herbae (The Remarkable Herbs) 4. Cliens Diligens (The Diligent Client); Coniuratio (Conspiracy); Margaritae (The Pearls); Pharmacueutria (She Who Uses Charms) 5. Magica Vestis (The Magical Cloak); Pietas (Dutifulness); Thesaurus (The Treasure); Officium Stellae (A 12th century Liturigical Playlet for Christmas)
School Charter
Testamur Certifcates
Honor Cords
501 Tidbits
| Quantity Unit Price ________ X $15.00 =
________ X $4.50 / $5.00 =
________ X $4.50 / $5.00 =
________ X $4.50 / $5.00 =
________ X $10.00 =
________ X $5.00 =
| Total
Shipping & Handling
Overnight Mail (+$20.00)
Total Amount Enclosed
| $ 5.00
We look forward to hearing from you and appreciate your business.